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문제 설명


Tired with those handy-made fake VMs from scratch..

  1. They have instruction file or hard-coded instructions in the binary. No effort for obtaining those.
  2. They have implemented VM handler in the interpreter binary.. JUST THAT!!! No effort for searching the handler.
  3. We can just write devirtualizer in hours, what is the purpose of this?

Those are not real VMs. Stop implementing VMs from the 1990s.

Instead, give a shot with this brand-new VM which is rising in 2025.


Test Environment

  • Windows 11 Pro 24H2
  • 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H


I'll give a small credit to zoo, who made me implement this giant thing.


이 문제를 2025.09.01 00:00 KST 이내에 처음으로 푸시는 분께 소정의 상품을 드립니다. 디스코드 y0r1x로 연락 주십시오.

출제자 정보

yorix ahh
Perfect 10

First Blood!

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