need hint

input size is too small to make a fake file struct (buf has 80 bytes and fp overwrite has 64 bytes) . any hint on how to proceed?

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답변 3
무플 방지 위원회장

you can modify input size :)

2023.06.29. 16:34
대표 업적 없음

buf variable has 80 bytes
void read_str() { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, stdin); }
and memcpy copies only 0x40 . How can i modify the size?
memcpy(dst, src, 0x40);

2023.06.29. 17:39
무플 방지 위원회장

recheck lecture. it can be modified using file structure.

2023.06.29. 20:12
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